The entirety of my project has been based on the detrimental effects of cyanobacteria on the Uca Minax fiddler crabs and their respective environments. In this upload I will be focusing on the benefits that are instilled by these two species to emphasize that not all species of algae are harmful to the ecosystem.
The main benefits of algae stem from the fact that they are able to effectively carry large amounts of oil. This makes the species very promising for new fuels regarding biomass and biofuel. Algae can double their numbers within hours which leads to the
possibility of daily harvest. This produces a higher magnitude yield than regularly used productive crops. Along with their high productivity, previously mentioned was their effectiveness in carrying large amounts of oil used for energy along with carbohydrates. The combination of these two aspects results in algae producing an estimated 2,000-5,000 gallons of biofuel per acre per year. Algae, similar to other plants, consumes carbon dioxide (CO2) and releases oxygen (O2) into the environment which can contribute to the resolution of wider scale problems such as global warming due to the reduction of carbon dioxide. As algae most typically grows in unusable water for other crops such as brackish/wastewater, it increases the overall efficiency as the productivity can be combined with other productive crops. At the same time, algae also helps to ameliorate the water in which it is growing because of its consumption of often harmful waste and detrimental nutrients. While the cultivation from these algal growths can heavily contribute towards biomass fuel, the production from many microalgaes can also be used for feed as well as many dietary supplements. Its use also extends to certain commercial products such as plastics, chemical feedstocks, lubricants, fertilizers, and certain cosmetic products. Certain subspecies of algae such as Spirulina and Chlorella have many health benefits
relating to the cosmetic products and dietary supplements previously mentioned as they possess high levels of zinc, iron, magnesium, vitamin B2, calories, fat, and omega-3 fatty acids. Enhanced solubilization and mobility of nutrients of limited supply. The benefits of cyanobacteria specifically are based around similar concepts of biofuel and the reduction of agro-chemicals.
Fiddler crabs are much simpler in their benefits relative to the environment as their burrowing and feeding helps keep marshes clean and helps them to grow. The many long, hollow burrows of a fiddler crab community help aerate the sediment of the marsh.
Click the link below for more information pertaining to the benefits of algae!
Thank you so much for viewing my Week 5 Upload and I hope to work with you all soon!